Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fields Trip

Dear PHYF125 Students,

Through this semester, we will be deliberating on topics related to electric and magnetic phenomena in terms of the fields of electric charges and currents. Among others, we will discover that the force between two electric charges is due to the interaction between either one of the charges and the field of the other. It is therefore essential that all of us are equipped with a thorough understanding of the methematical methods required to deal with fields. The concept of field and the mathematics of vectors are essential for us to study Physics in great depth.

Mathematically speaking, a field is a function that describes a physical quantity at all points in space. In scalar fields, this physical quantity is completely specified by the magnitude for each point. Temperature and electric potential are examples of scalar quantities that can vary from one point to another in space. As for the vector fields, both the number or magnitude and the direction are required. Gravitational force and electric field are example of such vector quantities. Furthermore, the usual custom right-hand Cartesian coordinates system will be used from time to time.

Enjoy your Physics!